Racial Equity & Liberation Week 2 “Beyond Single Stories”
In the second virtual learning community of our 6-week series on Racial Equity & Liberation, our facilitators Monica Dennis and Rachael Ibrahim, are joined by storytellers, Lorena Estrella and Nicole Matthews, to explore the dangers of "single stories". Through storytelling of how "single stories" have harmed us to a how the implicit bias that is fueled by one-dimensional narratives pervades our systems and institutions, even in programs that are trying to do good. They remind us that "single stories" and implicit bias serve to maintain systems of power and oppression and that it's up to all of us to expand the narrative and recognize our biases so that we can interrupt violence and build our collective power.
Download the Week 2 Session Prework, here.

Watch the Video from Week 2, here.
View/Download Slidedeck, here.

Art by lizar_tistry