Transformative Movement Building Series: Strategic Navigation, Week 5

Strategy is not static. Conditions change constantly, meaning that the reality of a situation may be far different from our expectations. That’s why “strategic navigation” is one of the four key elements of Transformative Movements. In this webinar, we explore how a strategic compass can help us to make choices under ever changing conditions. As we navigate, we draw on the other 3 key elements of Transformative Movement Building -- Leading with Vision & Purpose, Deep Embodiment Through Practice and Radical Connection.
Key Ideas
- Strategic Navigation requires adaptive learning and action. We must adapt as we learn from our successes & mistakes, and as conditions change.
- The human element is one that gets left out of traditional strategy charts, and it is the most transformative, allowing us to leapfrog into radically different strategic terrain. Our courage and hearts, and how we choose to show up, creates very different possibilities and different strategic paths.
- Instead of just asking What do we DO? We need to ask “Who do we need to BE to create the transformation needed in the world?
In this webinar, movement storyteller is María Jimenez of Mujeres Unidas y Activas shares a story of how vision, embodiment, and connection all come together in strategic action.
Play the Spanish translation of the video in this page, or click here to open Soundcloud

Practice Guide: Navigating with a Strategic Compass, English
This framework combines the first three key elements of transformative movement building: leading with vision and purpose, deep embodiment, and radical connection into a worksheet that can be used individually, or in teams, to clarify guiding principles to use as a reference point and screen when making strategic decisions.

View/Download the Slidedeck, here.