Crediting the Artists
We greatly value the many artists, designers, graphic facilitators, and photographers who have helped us document, visualize, and make meaning of the MEV experience. Examples of their amazing work are located throughout the site and we want to offer them proper credit.
Please notify us of any errors or omissions by emailing
Home Page
Hero image - Drawing of ten people of diverse race, gender, and appearance: Meredith Hutchison
Photograph of Cohort 4 members with MEV staff and faculty together on Miccosukee land: Mary E. Wyman
Community - Painting titled Sagrado Corazón de la Pachamama, Sacred Heart of the Pachamama: Nicole Santamaria
Program Elements
- Beloved Community: Amir Khadar
- Liberation and Equity: Monica Dennis and Rachael Ibrahim
- Movement Building: Onyx Ramirez
- Organizational Development: Claudia Lopez
- Transformative Leadership: Claudia Lopez
- Gender Justice: Elizabeth Niarhos
- Healing Justice: Juan C. Davila
- Disability Justice: Onyx Ramirez
- Language Justice: Claudia Lopez
- Racial Justice: Lorena Estrella
About Page
Vision - Drawing of a heart with images inside it and words behind it: Claudia Lopez
Photograph of MEV team members together in Puerto Rico: Matice Moore
Photograph of Cohort 4 members with MEV staff and facilitators together on the Santa Ana Pueblo, NM: Photographer Unknown
Photograph of the MEV community on Ohlone land in Aptos, CA: Camila Urrutia
Portrait illustration of Cohort 5 member Jennicet Gutierrez: Elizabeth Niarhos